Wednesday, March 28, 2007

charging up

I guess this is why people get into fights... it's a rush.
Got into an argument with a autowalla last evening - he didn't want to go where I wanted - which, after phases of sitting there and refusing to move, to ordering him to the nearest police thana, to yelling in his face, and ending with him throwing back the fare at me in a display of le grande attitude, I went back home highly shaken & stirred but also extremely proud of myself. I hate confrontations like this normally but somehow went a little nuts last evening... after which I managed to shoot down not one, but two, A-20C Boston fighterbombers within fifteen minutes. My first kills, after nearly 3 days of playing IL2: Sturmovik.
Just as well. I was beginning to wonder why I ever bought that joystick.

I wonder what this would do to my FPS game performance?

And Lilah, I so completely know what you feel now...


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